Will road hauliers notice a difference in the atmosphere in Portugal?

This may seem like a strange question to ask, and perhaps we are asking it a little tongue in cheek, but aside from all the commotion caused by the U.K.’s Brexit referendum, the other major point of interest in Europe this last month has been footballs European Cup. Many a non-British European has been having a good laugh at England’s expense, wittily observing that with their failing to beat Iceland, England had successfully managed to exit Europe twice in the same week!

On a slightly more serious note, there are bound to be many, many questions asked as to how Britain is leaving the European Union will affect road transport, for example freight to Portugal. At this particular moment in time, Plexus Freight are keen to reassure all our clients that it is very much a case of business as usual, and it will be for quite some time to come. While the vote might have been in favour of a European accent this, logistically, cannot be an overnight event and it could take anywhere between two to four years for any change in legislation to take effect.

As a result, Plexus Freight has no plans to change anything with regard to any necessary rules, regulations or documentation. As for the longer-term effect, nobody can really say for certain what is likely to happen, but where trade is concerned, which has a very direct effect on the road haulage and freight transportation businesses, there is an interesting article in The Guardian newspaper on the potential impact of Brexit.

There will, in time, undoubtedly be changes in rules and regulations, and it is also impossible not to speculate on what will happen with regard to haulage costs, particularly if the pound continues to lose strength against the euro. Fortunately, road haulage can often be a dual-direction business and, as a result it could be possible for businesses connected with freight to Spain, freight to Italy or freight to Germany to negotiate beneficial contracts that will help to offset the weakening of the pound.

The best advice we can give you at the moment if you have any concerns concerning European haulage is to give us a call at Plexus Freight and allow us to put your mind at rest that all is not as disastrous as many would have you believe.

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