
What Are the Options for Sending Freight to Singapore?

What Are the Options for Sending Freight to Singapore?

Singapore may be small, but its economy is strong. And with a free trade agreement in place, covering goods and services, intellectual property, geographical indications, and government procurement,  it holds great potential for UK exporters. With products as diverse...

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Last-Minute Christmas Shipping: How Freight Forwarders Can Help

Last-Minute Christmas Shipping: How Freight Forwarders Can Help

The run up to Christmas is probably the most stressful time of year for every business. Whether you’re trying to manage stock, logistics, customer expectations, or staff, there’s a lot to do. And it’s almost inevitable that mistakes are going to be made. So, what do...

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How to Reduce Costs in International Sea Freight

How to Reduce Costs in International Sea Freight

If your business regularly exports goods to global destinations, sea freight is easily the most cost-effective solution. But costs can still add up. Finding ways to economise without impacting the quality of your service can be integral. Particularly at times of...

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The Benefits of Sending Sea Freight Between the UK and USA

The Benefits of Sending Sea Freight Between the UK and USA

If you need to send freight between the UK and the USA, you only really have two options. Air freight or sea freight. While air freight is considerably faster, sea freight is not without its benefits, particularly for businesses sending higher volumes of goods. Five...

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Important Terms You Need to Know When Sending International Freight

Important Terms You Need to Know When Sending International Freight

If there’s one thing you’ve probably noticed about shipping international freight, it’s that the process is full of jargon. There are abbreviations and acronyms galore. Which means that if you don’t fully understand them, there’s plenty of scope to make mistakes. So,...

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What Do You Need to Know About Sending Freight to Turkey

What Do You Need to Know About Sending Freight to Turkey

Turkey is the UK’s 13th largest goods trading partner, and trade between the two countries is increasing. In 2023, the UK sold £9.9 billion worth of goods to Turkey – a 7.5% increase on the previous year. And £15.9 billion worth of goods made the reverse journey. So,...

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Top Tips for Shipping Freight to Taiwan

Top Tips for Shipping Freight to Taiwan

Air freight is one of the best ways to ship goods long distances. It’s fast, secure, and safe. And depending on your cargo, it can be cost effective. But when you’re sending freight to a new country, there are always hurdles to navigate. So, what do you need to know...

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The Five Don’ts of Air Freight

The Five Don’ts of Air Freight

When you need to move goods a long distance in a limited time frame, air freight is invaluable. It gets your goods securely from A to B as quickly as possible. It’s trackable, and you can send large shipments with little fuss. And as long as you know what you can and...

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Importing Goods from India to the UK

Importing Goods from India to the UK

India is an increasingly important trading partner for the UK. And the source of a wide array of imported goods – from rice to medicaments, to refined petroleum. Production levels are high, and there is a good bilateral relationship between India and the UK. So, if...

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Common Logistics Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Common Logistics Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Logistics plays a part in wide sectors of industry. If you need to move goods, whether around the UK or internationally, your logistics operations can impact all areas of your business. From customer satisfaction, to your overheads and bottom line. But regardless of...

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A Guide to Exporting Goods to China

A Guide to Exporting Goods to China

China is becoming a progressively more important export market for the UK. In 2023, total UK exports to China amounted to £37.5 billion – an increase of 11.9% on the year before. And the total value has continued to incrementally increase year on year since Brexit....

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