What Freight Does the UK Ship to Spain?

The speculation over what will happen with the UK’s European imports and exports post-Brexit when – if? – it happens is beginning to feel pretty interminable. Every time an end appears to be in sight, the goalposts are shifted again. And we find ourselves with no clearer idea of the future than we had in June 2016 when the referendum took place. With another election to get through before any hope of a decision being made, we thought we’d look at the reality minus the propaganda.

So, if Brexit does take place and there is a glitch in sending freight between Britain and the EU, what will it actually mean for UK traders? What areas of commerce will be most affected, and how can you limit the impact upon your freight business? Let’s start with Spain.

The UK’s relationship with Spain

Spain is the UK’s 7th largest trading partner. We export around £16.1 million of goods to Spanish businesses every year. But as Spain exports almost double that amount (around £31.3 million) to the UK annually, the general consensus is that the Spanish Government will be at pains to procure a favourable trade agreement with the UK should Brexit finally happen. That’s not to say that there won’t be any short-term disruption as those negotiations take place.

So, what are the areas most likely to feel the pinch?

What does the UK sell to Spain?

There are three core UK sectors of industry that export to Spain. They account for almost 40% of UK-Spanish exports. These are:

  • Vehicles other than railways – 17%
  • Machinery – 13%
  • Pharmaceutical products – 9.6%

While other areas will be affected –UK electrical goods, iron, steel, mineral oil, optical/photo, medical equipment and plastics each have a steady market in Spain – the brunt of any trade disruption is likely to be felt in these sectors.

The question is, is there anything that you can do to cushion the blow?

How to protect your UK-Spain export business in the run up to Brexit?

Until we know the full details of Brexit – deal or no deal – it’s difficult to prepare for all eventualities. But one of the best ways to minimise disruption to your export business is to work with a freighter with multiple depots.

Plexus Freight is very much a UK-based business. But in striving to provide the very best service to our customers, we have opened offices in a number of our most popular European destinations. This allows us to provide rapid collection and delivery right across Europe at very little notice. Whether basic pallet delivery or express freight. And Spain is where this part of our venture started out.

Having built very strong business relationships within the Spanish ceramics industry, furthering our activity in Spain seemed a natural step. And while having a Spanish base will not inure us to any upheaval relating to policy and customs during the Brexit negotiations, it does give us a firmer footing. As well as the logistics solutions to pick up the slack the second trade reconvenes.

And until that happens, it’s business as normal. Which means polite, professional and friendly drivers and office team. A selection of delivery services to suit your needs and your budget. And a range of value-added options for anyone who wants a little more from their freighters.

Brexit or no Brexit, Plexus Freight is here to deliver outstanding service every time.

If you need any help organising the shipment of your freight to Spain, please contact the Plexus Freight team today.

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