Groupage From Italy

Efficient freight solutions to ship your goods between Italy and the UK


Since 1995 we have been operating groupage from Italy to the UK on a weekly basis and also groupage to Italy for any exports. As we are heavily involved in importing ceramic and stone material from Northern Italy, we can provide regular and reliable Italian freight solutions from our Bristol base in the South-West. Groupage can be defined as shipments of multiple goods that are grouped together and shipped with other compatible cargo to maximise space whilst in transit. Our weekly groupage from Italy service is not only cost-effective but also very reliable, with regular departures from all parts of Italy, including Milan, Modena, Rome, Verona, Naples, Venice and Turin.

Our Italy groupage service can handle all manner of cargo from pallet to crates and any oversized or fragile cargo. With over 25 years’ experience and a trusted reputation, we are well placed to offer Italian import solutions that give our clients time to get in with the running of their businesses whilst we manage the logistics.


We operate in the following regions of Italy

5-7 Days Door to Door
Departures Tues & Fri
Road & Multimodal Services

Full Loads - 72 Hours
Part Loads 4-5 Days
Daily Departures

10-12 Days Door to Door
20ft, 30ft, 40ft & 45ft options
Daily Collections

2 Days Door to Door
Up to 1,300kg
24/7 Freight Support

Up to 10 Days Door to Door
Full Customs Provided
Daily Collections

Groupage from Bologna/Modena

As stated above, we specialise in the importation of stone and ceramic goods from the northern province of Modena. We make multiple collections for all our UK clients from the largest ceramic producers in Italy and deliver within 5 days to destinations all over the UK.

Not only do we transport pallets from Italy but also large format tiles, with goods packed in crates over 300cm in length. Once the goods are in the UK, we can deliver them on wheels if you have a forklift on site or bring them into one of our many partner depots for UK-wide distribution. Get in touch with us for any groupage requirements you may have.

Express Freight To Italy
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